3rd September 2020


The death of Little Red Riding Hood is due to parental neglect. Her mother over burdened a girl of young age with a task that had deadly potential. As the guardian of a young girl it is her duty to protect her young. She failed this when she made her child go to her grandmother’s house. Firstly everyone knew the wolf was dangerous and lived in the forest but the mother was careless ignoring the fact that her daughter was lazy, ignorant and irresponsible. If she gave thought to what she was doing then her daughter may be alive today. There is a chance that she did not know about her daughters characteristics as she was often away but this is unlikely as they must have spent some time together so this just goes to show that she was even more of a bad parent than previously expected. While one could argue it was Little Red Riding Hoods fault or maybe the wolf it is not. Wolves must eat to survive and do not have the mental capacity to understand human laws and ideals and the girl was raised by a mother who greatly influenced her terrible attributes that lead to her avoidable death.

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